Kenya - July 2024

Jambo ~ I am sharing something deeply personal and significant to me. I am reaching out because I believe it might resonate with you, too.

I am partnering with Village Impact to support AND actively participate in the Empower Kids in Kenya One Conversation at a Time project. This initiative is a crucial step toward healing and growth for children in Nakuru County, Kenya. These children have grown up under the shadow of conflict and poverty, deeply impacting their emotional and educational development. Village Impact has been making a difference in Nakuru County for years by building and staffing 15 schools in these displaced persons camps. I became familiar with their work in the 1990’s when I financially supported the building of one of the schools.

An opportunity I never in my wildest dreams presented itself earlier this year ~ to be a team member bringing the & Safe Conversations method to Kenya for the first time. The team of 20 therapists, from all over the world, will come together on July 19th, meeting in person for the first time. We will work alongside Kenyan counselors and staff in two schools, training and piloting Safe Conversations making it the first of its kind the Kenya. What a privilege and humbling opportunity to bring my background in education and clinical psychology along with my peers to staff and school children in Nakuru County.

Let me share a bit about this project. Safe Conversations is written by Harville Hendricks and his wife, Helen LaKelly Hunt to communicate without criticism, listen without judgment, and connect beyond differences. The beauty of this method is its adaptability to cultures and country specific. For me, I can get behind a program that respects differences from the front end and adapts material to meet the cultural and country specifics without imposing an American way of operating. Safe Conversations was initially brought to Liberia and is now taught within the entire country. The material has now been adapted to teach in Kenya. The method teaches kids and their communities to communicate effectively, promotion empathy, understanding, and build stronger connections. This project is not just about aid, it’s about empowering kids through the Safe Conversations method to navigate their trauma and chase their academic dreams.

Your contribution will make a tangible difference. It will fund essential counseling sessions, empower educators with new skills, and provide the necessary tools for interactive learning and therapy into all the Village Impact schools in Nakuru County. Long term goal, as it is in Liberia, for this method to be taught throughout Kenya. Each of us saying “yes” to being a member of this team knew from the beginning, we were required to make a $20,000 donation (with or without supporters) for the future of this initiative. Breathtaking to say the least! I have NEVER made this kind of a commitment before in support of anything. To put time, energy, and money behind this initiative is my statement of faith of the importance of this project and being an active part of this first for Kenya and children. Every donation, no matter the size, helps to foster a supportive and inclusive environment where these students can heal and succeed.

Whether you choose to donate or help me spread the word by sharing this message or keep all of us in your thoughts and prayers from July 18 July 31, your involvement is crucial and deeply appreciated. Together, we can offer these incredible kids a chance at a better future. Thank you for considering supporting this project.

My personal web page for tax deductible donations for the future of this initiative can be found at
Contributions can be made through November 1, 2024.

From the bottom of my heart ~ Asante

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