Annie - Unconditional Love Expert

Annie has become a regular presence in the therapy room over these last months. It is time to officially introduce her to current and future clients.

Annie came into my life in February 2014. She arrived at Hamilton Humane as a stray. They named her Annie, guessed her to be about 10 months old, and ran her through all the temperamental testing criteria. They told me she had scored very high in all areas ~ sweetest dog ever. My only pause was then, just before signing the commitment paper work, they told me smaller dogs can live 17+ years ~ was I sure I was willing to make that commitment? Now Anne is already 11 years old ~ time flies when loving a dog. 

Annie is a Beagle mix, about 19 lbs. and fools most people that she’s still a puppy because of her size. Annie will greet you warmly, kind of in you face on the couch warmly, then curl up for the rest of the session either on the floor or next to you on the couch. She’s a natural untrained therapy dog, very sensitive to the emotions happening in the room.

Annie is here to offer unconditional love and acceptance to everyone. She knows everyone isn’t living a “dog’s best life”, and understands, when she hears me say, “it’s time to go to work” that people are coming who need her. Annie knows, too, the sweet words, the pets, and the snuggling with clients make her day amazing. The magical moments of connection are ever healing. 

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